Friday, 5 April 2019

It's prelims day!

And just that like, it's time for prelims!  Since we performed 2nd to last in prelims, we had a late start which meant we all got to eat together at Cracker Barrel.  Then we headed to James Trent Arena for our short 3-hour rehearsal.  This facility is a fantastic space so we made the most of the high vantage point.

Rehearsal went well and everyone was relaxed.  We then headed over to the arena to watch a few guards before our prelims show.  It was the first time at WGI for about 50% of the guard, so it was important they got to see 'the lay of the land' before walking out on the floor.

Then it was time to meet for prelims - check in - body warm ups, equipment warm ups then headed to the top of the tunnel.  It was a little congested which meant we had to wait for Pride of Cinncinnati to move their props before we were able to move down, this didnt get us much time to get rid of shoes and pre show speeches.  And then it was time to enter the floor.  Understandable, a few members were nervous. There was a sizeable crowd, which was great for prelims.

The guard had a good run for prelims and many were happy, some know they can and will have a better show tomorrow.  We then packed our props and equipment away and headed for photographs.

We headed back to the hotel to await the scores.  We scored an 86.1 (with 0.2 in penalities) which placed us in 15th place - which in such a talented packed IW class, is a fantastic achievement. It's always hard for Mayflower (or any international group) to know where we might place, so we were happy with where we are so far, albeit it we know we can be better.

So some time to eat and relax and then tomorrow we do it all again!

An early start tomorrow, 8-11am rehearsal.  We perform tomorrow at 2.15pm which is 7.15pm - we hope you are watching!

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